
You are here: FastGourmet » Meals » Soups

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Product Gr.
Vegetable minestrone 300
Creamy fresh vegetable soup 300
Creamy bean and tomatoe soup 300
Creamy broccoli soup 300
Creamy potatoee and leek soup 300
Creamy courgette and mint soup with ginger chicken 300
Creamy courgette and artichoke soup 300
Creamy fresh carrot soup 300
Tomatoe soup 300
Mashed potatoes 170
Leek, tomatoe and caper fondant 150
Fresh vegetables in sweet-and-sour sauce 150
Peperonata (peppers in tomatoe sauce) 150
Steamed vegetables 150
Steamed spinach 140
Potatoes with parsley 150
French green peas 150
Steamed carrots 150
Steamed green beans 150
Steamed greens 150
Boiled cauliflower 150
Bruxelles sprouts 150
Vegetable cous cous 200
Marjoram scented buckwheat with carots, fennel and celery 300
Boiled buckwheat 200
Boiled pearl barley 200

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